It also had a better cooling capacity so it could continue firing for a long period of time without overheating. They were also equipped with the DC-17 hand blasters, which was very powerful and accurate, especially for its size. Jet troopers were made famous by Commander Cody, who would use jetpacks frequently in missions with his battalion, and the 7th Sky Corps. The agility of the flying jet trooper made him difficult to hit and could ambush their enemies from behind. They utilized their limited flight jetpacks to rapidly cover great distances and gain aerial advantage over their enemies. The Republic rocket-jumpers of the Old Sith Wars and Darca Nyl's airborne mercenaries from before the Invasion of Naboo may have been their predecessors, the Jumptroopers of the Galactic Empire were their successors. Clone jet troopers, or aerial clone troopers, were clone troopers equipped with and trained in the use of jetpacks.